Festivals and Raves
Festival Mania! by Ed Williams |
Whats the big deal with festivals these days?
I mean it, why are there so many festivals now?
Used to, you would hear about an occasional festival
here and there, for example, there might be a watermelon
festival down in south Georgia somewhere, or there
might be a rattlesnake round-up over in Alabama,
or whatever. These events came very few and far
between, and they were a fairly big deal mostly
for that reason.
North American Festivals |
Mardi Gras, Fiesta San Antonio, Pageant of the Morning,
Tournament of Roses, National Cherry Blossom Festival
Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival, Niagara Grape &
Wine Festival, Alcan Canadian International Dragon
Boat Festival
Festivals Review |
Carnival and Mardi Gras
by Ian Bracegirdle
Where did the use of Carnival masks and Masquerade
masks begin? The Venetian Carnival began over
900 years ago. It has run except for a gap
( from 1797 - 1987 ) and is replayed in its
18th century form today. Many other carnival
masks and masquerade mask traditions can be
traced back far into medieval times. The true
roots came be traced back even further.
Festivities Tips |
Fairs, Festivals, and
Amusement Park Safety...How to Keep Your Child
Safe from Strangers this Summer
by Michelle Annese
How do you keep your child stranger
safe this summer? Now children are out
of school, there is more time for families
to make life-lasting memories when going out
to enjoy fairs, festivals, and amusement parks.
Heres a plan to keep them safe.